by PS | Dec 5, 2017 | AIDS, Family, Op-Ed
View on HUFFINGTON POST I’ve been around a long time, but I’ll admit, I’ve never seen such huge divisions and divisiveness between people based on race, culture, gender, ethnicity, mental health, body type – and that’s just to name a few. Moreover, looking through my...
by PS | Oct 18, 2017 | Gratitude
This week in Harlem, The Balm In Gilead is celebrating 28 years of the Harlem Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS. Wow! New York City was trapped in the dark ages of AIDS 28 years ago. There was no light. Our family and friends were dying and there seemed to be no...
by PS | Oct 18, 2017 | Family
One day when I was about six years old, my mother and I were walking down the road from the only store in Lincolnville, SC where I grew up. When we got to the small body of water about 1/4 mile from our home, my mother left the road and began to walk toward the water...
by PS | Oct 18, 2017 | AIDS
(Huffington Post Article published 6-26-13) No matter how much we ignore it or deny the facts about HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is relentless in its ability to keep its DNA replicating in a human host. June 27th is National HIV Testing Day! The Centers for...
by PS | Oct 17, 2017 | Op-Ed
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), new HIV infection rates have risen to nearly 50% among Black gay and bi-sexual men in the United States. The new data indicates that young gay men, ages 13 to 29 years old, are the hardest hit. ...